Helping Out CFT PSO
Easy Ways to Help Out CFT
CFT Parent Support Organization (PSO) wanted to let you know about two easy ways to help raise funds for all the students at CFT.
Fred Meyer Rewards - Instead of accepting donation letter requests, Fred Meyer has set up a community rewards program through individual Fred Meyer Rewards Accounts. You can link your Fred Meyer Rewards account to the CFT PSO. This does NOT take away or change any of your rewards. You still receive your rewards and your fuel points will work the same way. Follow these steps to link your account:
- Visit Fred Meyer
- Click on "Savings and Rewards" section
- Click on "re-enroll or link your card now"
- Sign in to your account
- Search for and select Charles F Tigard PSO
Amazon Smile - Another way to benefit our school is if you shop with Amazon Smile. By shopping on Amazon while using the Amazon Smile program linked to our school, they will donate percentages from certain purchases back to us. This also does not effect your account at all. You can still use your Prime account if you have one. Here is how to use Amazon Smile:
- Visit Amazon Smile
- Search for and select "Charles F Tigard PSO" as your "charity"
- Shop as you normally would